Friday, September 7, 2018

Blog #1

The intro to listening lesson opened not only my eyes but, my ears as well to the overwhelming amount of insincere people our society is creating. We aren’t being taught to be sympathetic or empathetic and to listen to others with the intent to listen. Instead, we are taught to stare at our phones and be hyper-focused on social media. Our generation is learning to live in a false reality and the only times we truly listen with intent is for selfish reason.
This is leading to much bigger issues in the way that we communicate and interact with others. Since we know it’s hard to get people to pay attention to us we lack the ability to know how to speak with conviction. People are anxious balls of anxiety that freeze up when asked simple questions. People are so used to talking from behind a screen that their reaction time to conversations in person is a little embarrassing. Instead of making declarative statements we use tons of filler words to try to protect our statements. Saying “like”, “um”, and “you know” to make sure you don’t risk sounding confident when you may be wrong. This generation is filled with fragile and vulnerable ego’s.

In high school, during my AP Literature class I remember my teacher was discussing our upcoming poetry slam and before she dove deep into the topic she turned off the lights and played a video for the class. She told us to stay quiet and just listen to the words being said and step away from any immediate thoughts that pop into our heads and remain focused on the video. The video was of a man by the name of Taylor Mali, who is an American slam poetry artist, and he spoke about how people no longer speak with conviction. It’s a quick 3-minute video that will definitely implore you to change the way you speak if you listen.

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