Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March blog

In class we watch a movie called, “Mickey Mouse Monopoly” the line “ what kind of stories are being told here are these the stories we really want our children to hear?” I picked this line out because after watching the documentary and even though I know that this was directed through the gaze of the film maker I really began to think about situations and ideas that are being portrayed. I believe there is a bigger story being told when it comes to Disney movies. In the documentary, they point out specifics and I found this the most interesting. When it came to race, it was always portrayed in ways that were almost demeaning to that specific race. For instance, the Latina/Latino was portrayed as a Chihuahua and it came off as a gangster and had weird slag. I think this can be harmful for children who are watching and relate to this race. The idea that they are getting is that instead of being educated or smart they are seen the opposite.
This past weekend I was hanging out with my 2 nieces who are 10 years old and my nephew who is 6 years old. We were watching Peter Pan and when the part came on when the Indians were jumping around and mimicking what they thought Indians did I watched closely as the kids around me did the same thing. I think this is influencing more than they realized, without any hesitation my nieces and nephew copied what they were seeing. I thought this would be a good time to really set them down and talk to them about how this can be hurtful. We have family that is Cherokee Indian and I told them that is merely a myth about what they do and rather mocks an important ceremony.
I think Disney can teach us some great things, about love, life and being a friend. It is important to monitor and talk about the things that are going on. I was also really aware that there is a big difference in ages between the kids that were with me. So, I let my nephew’s mom talk to him in a way that he would understand and I talked to my nieces.  In general, it is important to really pay attention to the hurtful stereo types that are perceived in Disney and discuss them with kids so they know to use there better judgement out in the real world. I believe, this will help them in the future to recognize things that may be hurtful.  Just like dressing like an Indian on Halloween can be hurtful to the people as it is seen as a costume or fake.  This is important because shows can influence the youth, as it did our selves, and I believe catching it a young age will help in the long run for understanding and to point out that not everything you see on television is true or portrayed correctly.

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