Thursday, March 1, 2018

Feb Blog Post

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”

This quote is known very well, especially when we were growing up as little kids. This quote got brought to our attention again in our reading this week of Rhetoric as Symbolic Action.  I think this quote stuck out to me so much because of the meaning it throws out, but reading it now when I’m much older it, it has a different meaning. We have learned how much words hurt us nowadays, and being a millennial I think we have first hand seen the effects of words on people and how important it is to watch what you say. You don’t know anyone’s story, what they stand for, or how they got to where they are right now. Words are powerful, and being a communications major you learn how different you can handle situation and you learn of many more ways to communicate towards one another. I think it is super important to understand the meaning and depths of the words your saying to people because words are the most powerful things we have. This quote is a very known quote for its meaning but as we have grown up and learned more it definitely throws away what we use to use it for. In the example in the book it is saying that a little kid is crying out loud but saying this expression, which means two different things. He seems upset with what has been said, but yet he is saying that he is strong then that. I thought it was important to bring up the powerfulness of words to people nowadays and being on a college campus, I believe that this quote should be known and words should be more powerful and positive then mean and hurtful.

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