Thursday, March 1, 2018

Feb post

"Human beings make sense of their interactions with the world and with each other through the symbols they attach to their experiences."
I find this to be an amazing sentence straight from the book. The way we act now a days rally is through symbols, words, and images. The average american spends over 2.5 hours a day online on social media alone. That may not always be a bad thing either. For me, this sentence spoke a lot about me. I share a lot of what I do online. For some that can be scary sharing everything they do. They don't want people knowing what they are doing 24/7.
I built my business on social media. I constantly post my photography to show people what I can do and gain clients. I find this to be an awesome way to interact with people. I share things that I see day to day that maybe not all people see. I find it to be an amazing way to connect with people and it definitely helped me throughout my life.

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