Thursday, March 1, 2018

Blog Post #2: Abigail Pennecard

"This desire for control is tempered through a desire for collaboration. I want to maintain ownership of my experience, but I want to share it as well." Manda Hicks

My interpretation of this line boils down to the fact that Manda has this perspective of her own life and the things she has experienced. She wants to tell others the truth, what the reality of it is, and share it. She doesn't want to feel like she has to hide her narrative just because it isn't what people want to hear. She really puts her story out there and owns it.

This is the case with many women who run into intesectionalization. I can see where even just being a woman, now it seems to be getting better, but it can be really difficult to share your story and put it out there for the world to see. Being associated with a culture who has been centered around white males and all of their triumph it is not easy to put yourself out there and say, "I am a woman, this is my story and i'm taking responsibility for it." It reminds me this big movement celebrities have been involved in where they are defending sexual harassment. Before all of these women came out admitting these men sexually were harassing them, it wasn't easy. We didn't give them a safe space to tell the world what was really going on behind the scenes. They, themselves, had to really gain the courage to say, "this is my story whether you're behind me or not, this is real."

Manda really speaks to me this this concept of telling your story and not being afraid to take ownership. Her words inspire me to not worry about what opinions other's may have or what others will think. She gives hope to women that you should be able to speak out about real, serious situations that are occurring in our society that others may not be paying attention too.

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