Thursday, March 1, 2018

Blog Post #2

My favorite chapter/reading of this month was chapter 6. Chapter 6 is about “Identity and Perception”. One sentence that particularly stuck out to me from our textbook was written on pape 101. It states, “through others we become ourselves.” This is a very simple sentence that some can view as self-explanatory, however, I think it is much deeper than that.

Everyday we are influenced by our surroundings. Whether that be what classes we take, who we talk to, what we wear, everything impacts us in a different and unique way. It takes these encounters and interactions to truly become ourselves. The chapter goes on to talk about how we are perceived by the choices that we make. These choices help us find ourselves and our identity. Being around people who are similar to us and those that differ from us bring to light who we are and how we want others to perceive us. 
Some may take this very simple and straightforward sentence in a different way, but the way I understood it was, others influence us, and that is okay, because it helps shape us into who we are.
We are not just influenced and shaped by the people and things around us but also by how we are treated. I read many articles on this topic, but my favorite sentence that I found from another article was, “the way we are treated by others helps to define how we see ourselves” (How, n.d. p. 1). In other words, our self-worth is noted through others as well. Self worth helps form how we view ourselves. 

Overall the sentence, “through others we become ourselves”, is very powerful and has a huge impact on our lives. Others help shape who we are and help us find our identities and it is important to understand that. 

How do social surroundings shape a person's self-identity?Each of us is at the center of our own world. Each individual experiences his or her own life more fully than anyone else can. No one else... (n.d.). Retrieved March 02, 2018, from

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