Thursday, March 29, 2018

Blog 3: Jaymee-Lee Bulda

The sentence I chose is from the Keeping it Real: Race, Difference, and Corporate Ethics at Cocca- Cola by Patricia S. Parker.

"Yet charges of racial harassment in the workplace rose nearly 100% between 1990 and 2000"
-Winter (pg. 171)

The reason why I chose this quote was because how shocking those statistics are from 1990 to 2000 for it to increase completely is a huge eye opener. The biggest struggle over racial justice has shifted from the corporate hiring practices to the corporate cultures. It makes people focus on the issues of differences that are related to race, ethnicity, migration, and immigration. Racial justice is a huge issue that is happening all over the world right now. Judging someones color or race and not there work ethic or the overall picture of hiring them is flat out unfair. To judge someone solely based off of there race or color is setting them up before hand because the moment you see what they physically look like, the answer is set right there if racial issues are the reason for someone not being hired. I think having ethnicity is a great thing and it expands businesses and can make people and firms more comfortable for other people.

For example, when I was a freshman on the volleyball team here at BSU I was the only girl of color amongst 14 caucasian girls. It was definitely a culture shock for me, coming from a huge Hawaiian family oriented background. It took a lot of time for me to get used to but I did notice that they loved learning new things about my culture and lifestyle. As the year went by more girls of color were recruited and the team did start to get more balanced and it was nice to have that so you don't feel so alone sometimes.

Overall, the world can be a better place if racial issues were not as common as they are today. Due to the increased intercultural interaction in the past years, the cultural differences and perceptions of justice has made an increase and gained a lot of practical importance. Judging someone off of there color or race is not okay at all and it should be changed to make better changes in the world.

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