Thursday, March 29, 2018

Blog # 3

            For this month’s blog post I am choosing to write about a sentence from the advocacy reading “Word Wielding Womb: Using the Body to Fight the War on Women” by Amy Arellano. The very first line written in this poetry begins “Battle lines have been drawn in our living room” I am choosing this sentence because I feel like this statement really makes a point that this subject applies to every household. The war on women is a constant topic whether it be abortion, rape, or oppression, it is an ongoing struggle for the women of our world.
            This poetry speaks up as a type of advocacy in response to how women are treated. What I found intriguing about this writing was it didn’t beat around the bush, it got straight to the point of rape and the repercussions it causes. She also discusses her personal feelings and experiences on the matter and I find that extremely brave.

            This reading got me thinking a lot about advocacy and it is something that I find very interesting because everyone has the power to speak up however not everyone does or knows how to get what they are saying heard. Webster defines advocacy in a multitude of ways. My personal favorite way of explaining the word is “the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal”. I personally connect with this definition because I think people get wrapped up in the idea of having to speak out or do something about a certain cause when there can be many other ways of helping, like by just supporting the cause. You can help out by simply signing a petition, joining a movement, or even marching for a change. You don’t need to be the one who makes a monumental change but you can be part of the group that does.

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