Thursday, March 1, 2018

February Blog Post

Vanessa Ventresco

I chose my one sentence for the February blog from Dr. Hick’s article, “Making my Narrative Mine: Unconventional Articulations of a Female Soldier” (2011).

“I want to maintain ownership of my experience, but I want to share it as well.”

It is 2018, this sentence is so important in our society today. It seems to me that the media blows things out of proportion. Or they take someone’s story and make it their own. It reminds me of the recent events that have occurred in Florida. These activist students are standing up for their rights and fighting to have tighter gun controls, which is huge. We have 14-18-year-olds, who just experienced a traumatic experience, rallying and fighting for tighter gun control laws. Then all of sudden, the media shifts and decides to focus on one particular student and claim that is a crisis actor for the news.
   David Hogg, a student from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, found his place in the media, voicing about how there need to be stricter gun laws and being activists for his school and classmates that have died. According to CNN, David Hogg’s father was a former FBI agent (2018), which may be why he is so well informed about laws and sounds smart for being a 17 year old. They were claiming that David’s father was telling him exactly what to say. Facebook and different sites started claiming that David is a crisis actor due to the fact that he was in the news six months ago as a witness for another crisis event. They also thought he was a crisis actor due to him stumbling over his words in an interview with a reporter (Arkin, Popken, 2018). David and other students in the news are part of the drama and speech/debate program at the school, causing people to use that as another reason for them being crisis actors. (Arkin, Popken, 2018). These students were truly trying to share their experience and work to prevent any other students from going through this. David could have chosen to not be interviewed by the media, he could have chosen to go home when they were released, he could have chosen to stay quiet, but he didn’t. He wanted to share his experience while keeping ownership of it. But due to the media, it is getting harder and harder to maintain that ownership.

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