Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Blog 3

In society there will always be people the people who judge others.  According to the week 14 reading these things  are called social hierarchies. These social hierarchies  are people who believe they are at a higher place in society  because of their stratus, race or anything that they think essentially  makes them better than others. I can agree with the article Cross Cultural Diversity, We see social hierarchy everyday and sometimes don’t even notice it because we are so blind to it now.  The article basically says that members of  a higher class have better attitudes  towards inequality. That really hit home with me because if you think about inequality for  the lower class really works in the favor of the higher class.  For example, minimum wage and unfair pay just helps the boss man stay rich.

Its sad but as a society I feel we too often judge others off where they are from. Everyone does whether you say so or not.

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