Thursday, March 1, 2018

February blog post

The sentence I chose is a quote by Chuck Palahniuk from the textbook, Communication: A Critical/ Cultural Introduction (2015), written by John T. Warren and Deanna L. Fassett. Chapter 6.

"Nothing of me is original, I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known" -Chuck Palahniuk (pg.100)

The reason why i chose this quote is because i agree with it 100%. I wouldn't be the person i am today without all the influences i have had in my life. Some may be positive while some may be negative but they still shape me. I would say the more significant people in my life have a bigger influence on me because i am around them more and trust them more. Identity and perception in communication are really important because they are formed through a person's experiences. Some people may say that the way we have been communicated with throughout our lives is how we communicate with others. My parents and my siblings i know have a bigger impact on me because i am the baby so i always looked up to my older brothers and sister. While my parents teach me knew things everyday, I've learned a lot of positive and negative attributes that i have carried throughout my lifetime. I am only 21 years old and there are some that i know i do and there are some that i don't want to have for the rest of my life. For example, I think i have a bad temper just like my dad and it can really get me in to more trouble sometimes. I want to work on being more calm and easy tempered because i think it is an important trait to have, especially when i am older and maturing more.

French physician Anthelme Brillat- Savarin (1826) wrote "Dis- moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es" meaning, tell me what you eat, and i will tel you what you are. AKA the more Americanized version of that is "You are what you eat". I think this is relevant to what is being said because you may not literally be what you eat but in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle you have to maintain eating healthier things. It's just like saying, you aren't literally your parents or your significant others but they have a significance in your life to shape and change you.

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