Friday, March 2, 2018

February Blog Post

February Blog Post

“Human Being’s make sense of their interactions with the world and with each other through the symbols (words and images) they attach to their experiences.”

For Februaries blog I wanted to write about Rhetoric as a symbolic action. After reading this piece of writing it almost makes you become even more aware of how much our society nowadays and the body language we use really defines who we are today. In this article it talks about how social media has started to play a part in our everyday lives. Although it can be a positive light, it can also be so negative and affect the lives around us, even our personal lives. There’s been so many stories of online bullying that have led to suicide, and the rates have only gone up. On the other hand, there have been a few stories of suicide that were posted online, and authorities were able to help because they were contacted. This idea of a perfect world online versus an everyday life can sometimes really get to people, and we have to be able to draw the line of what is realistic and real life, and what isn’t. Another aspect of this reading that I really connected with was that words can truly hurt someone, regardless of the intention of the word. I have always been raised to speak how I would want others to speak to me, so when you witness that type of disrespect happening, its sometimes hard to gather and understand why some people choose to be and mean as they are. Words have such an effect on people, and I don’t think anyone realizes how long something they said can be stuck in someone’s head and cause unnecessary hard feelings. Another part of this reading that I thought was interesting was the fact that symbols matter. In our society today, what we wear, how we dress, where our clothes are from, where we’ve raveled to, what kind of car we drive, etc. All of those things matter to us and to other people. The way we choose to display ourselves is how people choose to view and see us. We know how to make ourselves feel good, and although we always want to look and feel our best, shouldn’t we try and start from the inside rather than from the outside? I think this is something everyone struggles with, especially at the age group we all are at right now in our early 20’s. This reading has definitely allowed me to open my eyes to a different view.

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