Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Blog Post #3

Blog post #3
Jayde Christopher

I will be talking about interpersonal communication. I feel it is only right since we discussed it in class today. I thought it was so interesting that there are frames and stages when dealing with interpersonal communication. For backstage, you have a select audience, choice of who you want to see. Front stage is your audience and for frames is Goffman. Hopefully all of this makes sense as I am explaining.
I loved how we watched Wife Swap this class. It was so cool to get an idea of what happens in different families, their cultures, and how they communicate in general. Giving an example of what it is like and actually being able to learn how it all works was great. Miss Ivey taught this really well because I wouldn’t have known the different stages and frames, relationship dialectics, etc.
In wife swap, it was hilarious how the Curtis and his family went about things. He ran the entire house. If he didn’t get what he wanted, all hell broke loose. Everything revolves around the little chicken nugget lover, which was so sad. But one thing they had on the other family is how close-knit they were. Their bond was everything. The Browns were always so busy. The kids didn’t really get to see their dad because of all of the boot camps that were ran. But they were a very discipline family. The way they communicate with each other was totally different than Curtis’. If the Browns needed something done, it will be done and done correctly.

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