Monday, March 19, 2018

Braydon Crofts Blog 3 COMM 160 (1070)

“bullying is a complex social process that often results in significant and life-shaping consequences” (p. 52).
     I feel that bullying is becoming a pretty big issue amongst families. We think that just because we are family that we can treat each other a certain way and that’s ok because that person loves us and “just understands it’s a joke” and would never actually do anything bad because of it. That is the wrong mentality to have. The things we say and do really hurt others. I remember growing up as a kid and “bullying” my little brother. I remember one day I was bullying him into playing football in the backyard with me so I could practice my moves while carrying the football. We were in the kitchen and he grabbed the closest thing to him to use as a defense, which just happened to be a butcher’s knife. He swung it at me to get me to back away from him which worked. I unfortunately was a bully as a kid to my brother and sometimes to my sister. I have since stopped and our relationships are a lot better since we have all matured and are adults. But even adults can still bully each other.
     A couple different examples I remember are when my grandmother passed away, and when my other grandparents and brother and father discussed where I was heading in life. So, to first show the example of my grandmother passing away. When my dad’s mother died my grandfather was left with the house and her inheritance. My aunts and uncles all believed that he didn’t deserve to have any part of the house or things in it or any of the inheritance. They would come in and take things and when he would confront them about it they would tell him that because he cheated on my grandma he didn’t deserve anything and that he was just coming back to the family out of greed and money. My parents did try to help him become self-reliant by teaching him how to pay bills and things of that sort. When my aunts and uncles heard about this they talked to my parents and told them that they would not be getting any inheritance because they were on my grandfather’s side and just wanted more money than them. They bullied my grandfather and parents and now because of this we don’t do family gatherings like we used to. Bullying has literally destroyed many relationships there once were.
     When I was moving back to Boise from Kansas City, Missouri I stopped at my grandparents. I was only there 1 night and they called me into their living room and wanted to have a serious talk with me. This talk consisted of them tag teaming of insults about how I needed to be like my uncle who got a Master’s degree from Harvard and could work a full-time job and go to school full time and sleep only 1-2 hours a night. They told that I wasted the last 5 years of my life because I didn’t finish school and that now I was almost too old to have a career because all the companies would want younger applicants than someone of my age (keep in mind I am not even 30). This conversation lasted over 3 hours long. They were verbally bullying me as well. My brother and father did pretty much the same thing once we actually moved back to Boise. Their insults were mostly about how we have moved a lot and how I needed to get a job and get sustained with work and then start school instead of doing school and trying to find a job at the same time. I told them that the whole reason for moving back here was to finish school and that I felt confident that I would be able to find a job without having to quit school. I have a really nice job now and I didn’t have to quit school.  After about 2 hours of me trying to calmly talk with them, and them raising their voices and insulting me and my abilities and character I finally left the conversation.
     I know that bullying in families can cause serious and life-changing issues for not just the youth but for everyone. I have seen this personally in my life and have seen just how damaging bullying can be. The affects can have lifelong effects and tear even the closest relationships apart.   

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