Thursday, March 29, 2018

March, Blog 3

Chapter 12: Discipline
Blog 3

“It may help to think carefully about the term discipline. This word has at least two connotations for us as members of a discipline or field of study… understanding discipline as a process of instruction and developing expertise is a given area of study...”

Merriam-Webster defines discipline in a few varieties, and I feel that some of them together make up the best definition of discipline; training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character, a field of study, and a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity.

For example, I am an athlete. I have run for years to become knowledgeable, and skilled in what I do. As a hurdler, I have done research on different training techniques, and workouts that I can do to make myself better. I practiced daily to perfect my ability to hurdle and hurdle well. I am very disciplined for I have put in many hours outside on the track practicing, even on days when I was tired or wanted to stay inside from the snow. I knew that it was important to me to do something better than I could ever imagine.

This has not only taught me hard work, but also patience and the ability to learn more about something even when I already know a great deal about it. The book talks about discipline as being malleable and evolving not static. The ability to understand that there is always more to learn about something.

            Brian Tracy International states that if you are not disciplined you are unable to control yourself, and one of the best ways to overcoming this is to create a goal. The determination and other valuable skills you may learn are all about the quality of oneself. It is important to understand where you are and where you want to go, without a goal you have the possibility of wasting a good deal of time and effort into something you could have done in an easier way. Plan how you are going to get to your goal.

            Now, if I were to set a goal about becoming a ballerina right now, I would set out to create a plan to work towards this. I would probably take a beginner course in ballet, go see a ballet, and do research on different techniques and styles out there. Perhaps if I was ambitious enough I would select a ballet that I would eventually work towards joining. Then I would settle in and work hard, stretching, practicing, and putting in many countless hours. Eventually I would become disciplined, I would become a wonderful ballerina, and I could say that I reached my goal. Now, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t have the discipline to become a ballerina.

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