Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March Blog #3

"1 woman that no longer can sleep because she knows the restraining order means nothing, When the government officials can’t restrain from personal raises, Who raises her children when one night the fight goes too far, Raises his hand knowing a slap on the wrist will hurt less than the punch of his fist fist closed in rage"

This is a part of the poem that I took from the author Amy Arellano who wrote "Word Wielding Womb: Using the Body to Fight the War on Women." This is a powerful message that she is trying to get across to her audience. This stood out to me because of all the domestic violence cases that happen within our country. Kids are being taken away from their mothers because of men in outrage putting their hands on women. This is ridiculous that the women are being punished by the government taking their children, and they have to fight to get them back.

Her message is when a women is trying to get out of an abusive relationship that not only her but the children are affected by the man's actions. Women are the backbone of a family, a women is put through more, a women should not be punished by something she can't control. Domestic abuse is a leading problem in the United States and needs to be addressed.

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