Thursday, March 1, 2018

Blog #2

The sentence I chose is a quote by Chuck Palahniuk from the textbook, Communication: A Critical/ Cultural Introduction (2015), written by John T. Warren and Deanna L. Fassett. Chapter 6. 

"Finally, our selves and our identities are always in a process of becoming" (pg. 112) 

To me this quote means that we, as humans, are always growing and finding different attributes, strengths, and qualities of ourselves. I chose this quote because this year I have seen that in myself. I am a freshman this year, and I feel like I have started to find myself. I came to Boise State not knowing anyone. I had to go out of my way to make friends. During that and just going through life for the first time without my parents, I have seen qualities in myself that I hadn't seen before. I became much more outgoing and able to talk to anyone. Joining a sorority and being on a committee, I have had to learn to manage that, school, and a social life. Also, I feel like I am starting to find my identity. Everyone says that they "find themselves" in college, but it is really true. Being on your own for the first time, makes the true you come out. But I don't think this is the end of being becoming the person I'm meant to be. Like the quote, i feel like though the different stages of life, a new "you" comes out. With the challenges each stage of life faces, you will see how you deal with those situations. 

I once heard a quote by Thomas Brown saying "All the wonders you seek are within yourself", and it reminded me of the quote from the book. They are the same because finding your identity is a journey and an adventure, but it is a wonderful journey that will never end. 

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