Thursday, October 25, 2018

September Post

Mediated Culture:

A culture that is heavily affected by current mass media and the media develops the values and social norms for that specific culture instead of the people. So the media led the people, not the people leading the media’s messages. The culture is driven and influenced by mass media including photography, television, radio, motion pictures, and telephone. Propaganda is what mediated culture mainly used when developing the social norms within the culture which can seem somewhat mind controlling. If this culture doesn’t be careful and make sure the media’s message is to benefit society as a whole it can be used for bad intentions because of how powerful and direct the media is in this culture.

Adolf Hitler and Germany are a prime example of this type of culture during World War 2 when Hitler was convincing his country to back him and his political agenda. He used a wide variety a propaganda and advertisements to convince people of his works and people did! During this time, German culture was mediated culture because the people were so heavily influenced by what Hitler had the media advertising.

I believe this is an important culture to grasp because I don’t think the entertainment industry should have that much power over a society or culture because of how easily that power can fall into the wrong hands and if we are aware of this problem/trend we will be able to stop it before it allows society to escalate back into the Hitler era.  Image result for hitler propaganda

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