Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Meagan Butera Blog post #2

What exactly is feminism in today's world? What has it become? More often than not I see feminists who are super aggressive, vulgar,  and rude women and its not a movement I want to get behind. But then I look back through history and I can see how feminism allows me most of the freedoms I, as a woman, get to live with a take for granted. Suffragettes worked hard to build up women and to make the men in our lives see us as the powerful, and intelligent beings we are. I take that for granted, my right to vote, my equality in the work force. Its all things I have taken for granted. 
I mentioned the work force despite all the talk of a wage gap because I have yet to personally experience the wage gap. That's probably an extremely naive way of looking at it, "I haven't experienced it yet so it doesn't exists". That's not what I'm saying here. I'm saying that in my handful of entry level jobs, pay gaps between men and women don't exist because our positions are arbitrary to these large companies. I started working at Nike, the boys I got hired with and I,were all told we would be making minimum wage,and that our pay and raises would reflect our work ethics. I was quickly promoted to cash registers while the boys mostly stayed on the floor or back on fitting rooms. I worked my rear end off, and eventually my work was rewarded with pay that I deserved. But never once did I see a wage gap where these guys started out getting paid more than I. It was an entry level, retail job, expectations are low anyway. Same thing for Fanzz and later, Camp Bow Wow.
 Now I housesit. I have my own LLC and set my rates, and I actually have two guys working as subs for me when my schedule gets booked up. In my small-job, world there has never been an opportunity to have a wage gap between men and myself. So while this is extremely naive, I do have to think that this isn't as pressing of a matter until I get older and until I start getting into more intense or specific jobs. 

Jobs are really the least of a woman's worry in this world, there is so much pressure to do what everyone else wants and put your needs last. And that is where I see a need for feminism. Women are expected to stay home and raise a family, while also expected to have a successful career, but its nearly impossibly to do both! And If we chose one over the other, people judge. A friend of mine got married and had a baby right away. She hadn't finished school and was working as a receptionist for a gym. Some of our mutual friends weren't fans of her choices and left her, but she was HAPPY. She loves being an at home mom, cooking and cleaning and being the wife her husband wants! On the other hand I have plenty of friends who are more focused their degrees and careers first before getting married or even dating. There is nothing wrong with either path and yet there's still judgments being passed. And that's garbage. Women should be allowed to take whatever path they chose in life without worrying about the stigma surrounding it and what others would think. 
When a man gets a job, or when he finds his career path in life, he celebrated. When a man gives up his job to stay at home with kids, he is praised. The pursuit of a career is expected in a man, its what we as a society expect to see, but when he stays home with the kids, that's surprising, that admirable, and if the wife is the one working, he is making such a great sacrifice. Sacrifice? Isn't that what women are expected to do? Why is he praised for it, but his wife shamed for leaving her children? Why is he celebrated when he leaves for work and shes ignored when she stays home with the kids? Its a loop that could make you crazy and makes you realize how feminism can help you come out of this cycle, and empower you to do what is right for you and your family.
And I think that is why we need feminism still. That is the number one reason, at least to me, that we, not as women, but humans as a whole need feminism. To be allowed to follow whatever paths we want to follow without feeling the judgements passed by outsiders onto our lives. Why can't women chose to do what they want, like men, and be praised for it? There is no reason other than an archaic way of thinking and fear of judgement that has been keeping women from pursuing their ambitions and keeping them stuck in an unhappy cycle.    

I have zero experience in any of these examples that I have provided. I'm not married, I don't have kids, I'm still working towards my career goals and a degree. So my examples and perspectives come from the perspective of an outsider. Someone who is trying to be objective and get ideas written, or at least typed down, and reflect on it later. To chew on the thoughts that I've culminated into one document and see if this is something I would want to reflect in myself. Feminism is important. Women are judged whenever possible. And to be able to live life without worrying about wage gaps and what others think of the lives we have built for ourselves. Hopefully I haven't offended anyone who read this. I don't really follow this movement super closely. So what I have written down is the extent of my knowledge on the subject, and yes I am aware that I sound very naive or ignorant, I know I have a lot to learn, but these are my experiences and how I can relate the need for feminism to what I have seen in my own life. 

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