Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blog # 2

The concept I have decided to discuss is over identity and perception in chapter 6. I chose this because it is fascinating how complex of a topic it is. We as a species come in so many different shapes and sizes and each one of us views the world in our own particular way. Identity is who we are, the individual aspects that make us, us. Perception is how we view the world us, and both identity and perception influence each other. We all have different identities and perceptions that have been socially constructed based off life experiences and factors like race, gender, sexual orientation, wealth, political standpoint, religion, and countless more. Furthermore, we live in a diverse nation in which we interact with people of all types on a daily basis, making it such an important concept to consider. Cases where identity and perception clash are touchy subjects and have been making news headlines frequently. They have created conflict between different groups, and in a way seem to be dividing us.
The 2014 shooting of Michael Brown by a white officer that kick started the Black Lives Matter Movement is an instance where identity and perception came into play and created sides. In the case of Black Lives Matter I was living in St. Louis at the time and saw firsthand much of the divide that created. There are many people that perceive that shooting at a result of systematic racism and an abuse of authority over a targeted demographic. On the other hand, there are many people that see the shooting as justified with no ties to race. This is a case in which how we grew up, what we have been taught, our prior experiences with law enforcement, and many other factors of our identity will play a role on if we perceive the shooting as justified or not and why. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/08/11/489494015/the-butterfly-effects-of-ferguson
With a better understanding of the identity and perception concept, and a little empathy we may be better able to communicate with each other. With better communication we may better be able to manage conflict and prevent such divides as what happened when Michael Brown was killed. We are all different and that is a good thing. Diverse identities and perceptions bring new ideas and viewpoints to fruition.

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