Tuesday, October 2, 2018

September Blog Post

Over September we have covered many important topics. A lecture in September that has had me thinking is the week we discussed semiotics. Semiotics, as we well know is the study of signs as well as symbols that act as communication and language within cultures. When I think about how many signs I see every day that I fully understand with no verbal translation my mind is blown. Semiotics to me seems to be the world's largest form of communication, especially in today’s world with our vast forms of technology. We see it every day, in every form and informs that every culture can understand without translation or any verbal communication. Though I am aware some may fluctuate and in some cultures, their meaning potentially fluctuates as well. From driving etiquette, texting norms, hand signals and so much more we flourish in communication through signs. We begin to learn sign and signal etiquette as young as preschool and we only progress in understanding from there. All around I thoroughly enjoyed semiotics and the study of it has made me more aware on the daily. 

Quickly I would also like to touch on the aspect of transgender. This is a topic we ended within our last class. We watched a video about a young transgender girl. Jazz is lucky enough to be surrounded by so much support and all around her story is uplifting and will change the lives of thousands going through a similar situation. As I mentioned in class I have met someone young whose parents are allowing the world to be at their fingertips. I brought this up in class and I wanted to touch on the fact that the main point I was trying to express in my mumble jumble of words is that I find it is amazing how the world is changing and eyes are opening to open-minded people. During our last class, my eyes opened to the correct pronoun and all around knowledge. Also mentioned in class that the video of Jazz may have been created to make people more aware of the transgender community as well as the age that it can begin at. All around I think it is amazing and can't wait to see what the future has in store.

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