Tuesday, October 2, 2018

September Blog 1070 Sanisi Finau

Perception is the way we see the world based on our own experiences and background. I think of perception as a subconscious lenses that we all walk around wearing and no two lenses are exactly alike. These lenses is the “why” behind how we do what we do and how we approach things. It’s the precursor to opinions and stereotypes. Our background builds our perceptions and our experiences change them.

Recently one of my Facebook friend posted something that said “Black people can’t be racist.” One of the defenses to that opinion was that racism was a system that black people cannot benefit from. From my perception I think that’s impossible because of intersectionality, we all experience privilege in one form or another. I also think if you aren’t actively against racism, then you are a part of that system. I have those specific opinions from taking Intercultural Communication.

I think this concept is important because your perception is your reality. Being aware of the limits on your reality can help you learn more things about yourself and the world around you. I think some people get so stuck in their realities that they aren’t able to have paradigm shifts unless something dramatic or traumatic happens.

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