Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October Blog Post

For my October blog post, I will be talking about interpersonal communication and how important it is. Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings and meaning through verbal and nonverbal communication. It is also more simply defined as, face to face communication. Interpersonal communication is the biggest factor when helping us as humans to form relationships with one another. This form of communication includes so many different skills within it including verbal, nonverbal, listening, negotiation, problem solving, decision making, assertiveness and more. All of these skills to me, represent all of the factors in which help us understand one another which is what helps us to form relationships. 
            Interpersonal communication is really the base of everyday communication and we would not be able to communicate without it. Considering interpersonal communication is all about face to face communication and building relationships with one another, there are many examples that can be used outside of the classroom and one that really sticks out to me is the general, regular process to getting a job. Not all of the time but mostly, before you get a job you are required to have an interview with a higher up of the company. One interview is usually face to face and is the deciding factor for the manager to be able to decide if you are fit for the position or not. These interviews require face to face communication in which many factors such as verbal and nonverbal cues are presented as well as listening, problem solving, negotiation skills and more. All of these factors are what help to form good relationships with people which in the end is how you will land the job of your dreams. 
            While there are many ways in which interpersonal communication is used, there are also many benefits to interpersonal communication. This form of communication is the main form in which people can express themselves and talk about what is going on in their lives. An article I found used an example about how important communication is within a hospital setting. The article talks about a study that was done to show that poor interpersonal communication can increase death rates if doctors and nurses do not have good communication with one another. If good interpersonal factors are used within a hospital then there is obviously going to be less mess ups and confusions within the hospital. Below is a link to the website if you would like to learn more about interpersonal communication within a hospital setting. 
            Considering interpersonal communication covers so much and is the main form to communication there are many different outside examples but it is so important to understand that without interpersonal communication, relationships with one another would be nonexistent. 

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