Tuesday, October 2, 2018

September Blog Post

September Blog Post

One topic that stood out to me this month was perception and how people want to be perceived. With social media turning into a big component of how people live their day to day lives it is important to realize who we really are versus who we show the world we are. This semester in particular has started to open my eyes to how prevalent this is to this generation of individuals, both within this class and a gender studies course I am in. A little bit of a disclaimer for me, I am a biology major, a scientist through and through so taking classes that aren’t all about animal behavior or the physiology of plants and fungi is very different for me as a student. That being said, this semester has been an eye opener for a lot of social issues that I have avoided talking about because they are somewhat difficult for most to talk about in everyday conversations. The perception of different identities being one particularly hot topic for most individuals in this day and age because most of the time these things are talked about through social media. I don’t know how many people spend some of their free time reading comment threads on articles that talk about the issues society is facing, and some of those comments can be nasty. It makes me wonder if all the people acted how they did on social media all the time, what would this world and culture look like?
The idea of putting on a performance of identity and also having both your front and backstage identities sounds like a lot to handle. What would this culture be like without the dual identities, what would it be like if we only had our backstage identities out for the world to see? I feel like in general people would be a lot happier not having to put the performance of self on every day. https://phys.org/news/2017-08-perceptions-reputation-identity-opportunity.html This article talks about how individuals that understand how different peoples perspectives are, are more likely to be able decipher how to interact with them in a positive manner. Even though most people’s perspectives are different, if you understand the type of person you are dealing with and understand their perspective you can be a culturally productive person.

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