Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blog Post #2

Out of all the readings and discussions that we have talked about, the Andres Gomez "Fear" reading has been the best discussion/ reading we've had. It brought a lot of great discussions in class and I know personally, it gave me lots of feelings toward it when I read it. There were so many fears that he overcame and not just fears that were "fears." I'm talking about overcoming everything and letting go, and moving away from his father when he moved back to his mom. Over coming the fear that his parents were never going to separate and when they finally did he talked about how everything in his life was over and a lie because of how "perfect his little family" of 4 was. One thing that I was blown away by was when his dad wanted to talk to him, and he had this thought that he was getting ready to have the father to son, "man talk." Thinking he was finally going to have this awkward conversation with his old man, but out of the blue he hits you with; If you continue to live the way you are living, undisciplined, and selfish then you are going to have a very unsuccessful life. As I was sitting there reading, all I thought was you asshole. And then when he replied back to his dad saying I love you dad. Now I don't know who to be mad at more, the son or the dad because the son just took it. If my dad ever said that to me, I think I would tell him to eff off. No Dad should say that to their son. But I understood, the son was just trying to love his dad especially after his split-up with his mom. All in all this story really attracted my attention, like after the first page. I enjoyed reading to see what the son was going to conquer next and what fear he was going to overcome. People should take this reading and apply it to their everyday life. Especially with conquering fears, taking the first step to asking someone out, riding the scariest rollercoaster in the world, bungie jumping into a cannon. Everyone should conquer their fears.

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