Tuesday, October 2, 2018

For this post the concept that really caught my eye was perception. Perception to me is how people view the world and how they interpret things. With this I believe that almost no ones perception is the same. Yes I do believe that some people have the same perception on things but not everything. The thing that really intrigues me about this is that no matter how you see something it cant really be wrong. How someone sees something cant be wrong since it is what they see, you don't have to see the same things as them. How I can connect this to something outside of class is with art. I think with this it can really prove how people perceive things. With art, a lot of the time two people are not going to see the same thing. Now yes a lot of art that is more specific such as Starry Night or a self portrait of a person is not really what I am talking about. What I mean is that when someone has a painting and you cant really tell what it is, and you have to analyze it. It is up for you to perceive what you see. A lot of the time two people wont see the same thing. And what is really cool about this is that neither of them are wrong. One may look and a blob of different colors and see a boat sailing in the wind, the other person standing next to them may see a rocket ship ready to blast off into space. Another way I can connect this to outside of class is with how people perceive other people. Take a man walking down the street, he comes up and talks to you and your friend whom you are walking with, afterwards one of you thinks he was nice and wanted someone to talk or a friend and the other thinks he just wanted attention or wanted something from you. Why I think this is important is because people need to see how others view things. We need to try and look at things from another persons perceptive and try to understand why they think or see it that way. It is important to be more open minded. It would be too boring if everyone saw the world ad everything in it the same way.

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