Monday, October 1, 2018

September Blog:

September Blog:

In this months lesson we have learned a lot about ones self. A particular term that stood out to me was

Performance. The definition of that term is who we are is the result of our repeated, patterned human

actions. Basically, how we present our selves to the world. It is the version of yourself that you want

people to think when they see you. There might be things where you particularly don't want a lot of

people to know and you keep it to the backstage. Or you have this quality that you think is amazing

so, you bring that performance to the front stage and let everyone see it.

When this lesson was first brought about, I thought the idea was crazy that we somehow perform who

we want to be seen as. But, thinking over it more I did this a lot when I was younger. Obviously, I

still do now because everyone does but, in high school I definitely preformed a different person than I

truly was. To an extent that is fine because are things depending on the social setting where you

should act a way you might not normally but, in high school I wasn't even acting myself at all. It is

good to realize if your performance is still staying true to who you are. This term is important to

know because you may want to consider the kind of person you want to show to the people around

you. Also, what kind of performance you should be playing based off the social setting.

A thing is about a person's performance is that it can change. In "Man Up: Cracking the Code of 

Modern Manhood" by Carlos Andres Gomez, he lived in fear for the longest time until one day he 

decided to change and face his fears. A side of him wanted to change his performance because he 

knew it was time and would hopefully benefit him in the end. He realized that he didn't want to live 

his life in fear and to do so he had to change. 

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