Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blog 2: September

                                                                 Blog 2: September

        I, like many of my peers thoroughly enjoyed reading Carlos Andrés Gomez’s Beneath the façade. As a young adult, I feel as if many people my age can resonate with the idea of battling our fears and have them push us to our full potential. In this blog I will be discussing a quote from the reading, how it relates to my life, as well as what I took from the text.

        Andrés Gomez stated, “I believed that all of my trials and tribulations I had overcome and continued to encounter would only enable this dream to become real.” When I read this in last week’s reading, it was something I had never heard anyone talk about, something I had always believed to be true. The idea of feeling as if your pain, struggles, or trauma, will automatically win you the reward of something better in life. I think it’s safe to say that we all would love for this to be the outcome for our lives, but if you’re a dreamer like me, you start to realize that sometimes we get this idea from movies or books with a fairytale ending.
Growing up, I think the biggest let down in life can be this experience right here, but at the same time, the most rewarding. Not all things will go our way as humans, that’s just the way it is in life. We hear our parents reply to our “that’s not fair!” with “The fair is for the pigs and horses!” (or maybe that’s just mine!) Most times we don’t understand it until we are face to face with a college rejection letter thinking the exact same thing. Life is just not fair!
Like I said before, this same exact experience can also be very rewarding when life seems to be going our way. We go through the most tragic, traumatic, emotional experiences as humans, and sometimes in return we are given something so great that we say we deserve it because of these “trials and tribulations”. Those are the moments where we feel lucky to have experienced such hard times to get to the reward, the light at the end of the road, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
         Hearing Andrés Gomez discuss this topic was so real and raw, rarely do we hear the truth behind the human experience as it is. Not everything in life is based off of a Netflix Original series or a Nicholas Sparks book. From reading this, I have learned that life is not fair, and we aren’t always deserving of the next best thing regardless of the trials we go through as humans, but it’s worth it to just wait until the light at the end of the tunnel presents itself.

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