Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blog Post #2

Over the past couple weeks, the idea of perception has really stuck out to me. Perception is defined as how someone sees the world, based off of cultural, political and societal influences. The reason this sticks out to me so much is because people in general are all so different. And we each have our own narratives, our own stories. These stories have shaped us to be who we are today I think in a lot of ways. The views we have of everything in life are based on these experiences which gives us our perceptions of the world. I think it is important to remember that most people grow up differently, and don't have the same stories. It can be hard to understand someone sometimes because we can't relate to them. The important thing to remember is that we are all entitled to our own perceptions and as people we should be respectful to other peoples perceptions, just as we would want people to respect our own. I think that is something I struggle with sometimes. Sometimes I can be very black and white, but a lot of things in life aren't black and white. They require a more holistic view, which is where perception comes into play for me. I think that by understanding the idea of perception, I maybe will be better able to understand opposing view points and it will allow me to have a better overall empathetic understanding of other individuals.

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