Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October Blog

What has abruptly come to my attention this month was the transgender topic. Whether you support these individuals or not, it is extremely foolish to not recognize how brave each individual is who is transgender or going through the process currently. I understand that there are many people who are alive today that would never accept a transgender person in their lives. When I mean accept, I mean actually give them a chance to just talk with you like a normal person. Human Rights and everything of that nature is eventually going to gain more and more attention because transgender people do want equality as well just like any other people in America.

My personal experience is that I never even knew that transgender people existed until I was almost in high school! I think that it is a very touchy subject for some individuals because when most of us grow up our parents don't teach us about transgender peoples and gender-neutral language etc... This makes sense why certain individuals don't enjoy talking, yet alone, debating this topic because for some of us we don’t know how to feel about the situation. With that being said some of us accept it entirely and have no problem with it whatsoever. Everyone has different opinions to an extent, and I think that for certain people it’s too hard to accept this into their own lives because of their core values they’ve had their entire lives. It’s easier to not support something you feel weird about than forcing someone to believe what they believe. That can go for anyone and everyone and that’s what makes it so hard and even impossible for some. At the end of the day if you want to change your beliefs badly enough to be a better person, you have to want it badly enough. Before you want to change anything about yourself that you don’t like, you have to try and address what you need to change and why you want to change what you currently believe.

I’ve watched some videos from the far left and far right and their views on the transgender subject. I noticed that from the far right many politicians decided to avoid and/or direct the question elsewhere because most of the time the subject was informal. That’s the first problem with politics as a whole is that there aren’t many politicians out there that are entirely truthful on a consistent basis. If we want to focus on things and get somewhere with them faster we need to first understand that if we truthfully tell views the most popular view will win. At the same time, the majority of people aren’t completely aware of their views regarding transgender peoples and even avoid it to be sure that confrontation doesn’t occur.

This passed month has really made me think about gender equality and how important it is in a world like today. The subject needs to be addressed on a more consistent basis in order to form a more functional society. At the end of the day the fact is that everyone’s views have the capability of being noticed and right now we need to focus on gender equality associated with transgender peoples because it effects more people’s lives than most of us know.

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