Monday, October 29, 2018

October Blog

Something that I really think is important and is often talked about in a lot of if not all English 101 classes are the modes for persuasion. Which are Ethos, Pathos and Logos. For me what this is for the first one ethos is the persons credibility and trust you have in them or the reason to listen or not listen to them. For Pathos it is the emotion behind it or appealing to it. And logos is simply logic or reason. Outside of class I see this almost everywhere. From newspapers, to billboards, and even TV commercials or commentators when I am watching tennis. It comes in all different forms. You may be wondering why I say commentators for sports or tennis in particular. For this it is there because when listening to them I trust what they are saying and the reason I do is because the commentators have played the game before and been where the people are watching have been. They are knowledgeable of the game. the same goes for every other sport. That is for ethos. For pathos it is the way they word their sentences. Robbie Koenig is a famous tennis commentator and the way he appeals to emotion i through what he is saying when watching. From saying "look at Federer waving his Wilson wand" or "That is one for the rocking chair" he is appealing to the emotion that you are being mesmerized by something or saying that you will never forget what you just saw. For the logos his logic is simple. Stating facts about serves and if the ball goes to a certain place then the opponent will go to this certain spot. Why I think this concept is important is because this is a way to get people motivated or a way from them to pay attention to whats going on in the world no matter what it is. This concept is also important because it is a good way for people to figure out a way to trust where there information is coming from, so they know if its real facts or something made up.  Its important for people who are writing so they know how to get their audience to trust them, for them to know how to get their attention by emotion and for their to be logical thinking behind it as well.

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