Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blog post # 2

Blog post #2

For this blog post I decided to talk about ideological clawback. When talking about society there are certain norms that we feel are the right things to do, so ideological clawback is the way in which people is pushed towards the “norms” so that they are not different from everyone else.
I  our society I feel there are different examples and places in which this is presented. For example, since we are little we are told to do specific activities depending or our gender, so let’s say that a guy decides he doesn’t want to play football and instead he wants to dance, other guys start bullying him in order to make him understand that dancing is for girls and not guys. The part in which I talked about bullying as a way of making him understand that that is not okay is where the concept is presented. We can see this concept in movies too, For example the fight club. This movie is about a guy who has two different personalities but is not aware of that. Instead he thinks that his second personality is an entire different person that reflects everything that he has always wanted to be and the person he thinks society likes and accepts in a better way. In this example there isn’t someone else pushing him to follow the rules but he still thinks that in order to be accepted and to be part of the norms he has to create an entire new personality that shows who he is in an entire different way, so again he pushed himself to follow the “norms” and be regular like the rest. My last example is related to Michael Jackson. Throughout his life he felt his physical appearance wasn’t good enough for a public figure and to the world in general. He was critiqued for being black, for singing, and for many more things, reason why he did an insane amount of surgeries in order to look like society wanted him to look, so in this example even though there wasn’t one person bullying, society was dictating norms of how the physical aspect of a person should be, to the point that he decided to go through an insane amount of surgeries just to look like society wanted him to be.
I feel this concept is important because we are in a society of norms, of things that we dictate are good and some others that are wrong, of people caring more about what the world thinks of them than other things, and basically this concepts shows that, it shows the way in which society tries to manipulate individual in order to make them do what is “stipulated” and the bad part about his is that we’ve created an insane amount of ways to make this happen and most of them aren’t good at all like bullying For example, or even some of the “bad” stereotypes that people that people are scared of being catalogued at. This concept is relevant in everyone’s life and is something everyone should take care of because without even realizing it we all use it at some point or it comes to play a part in our day to day basis.

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