Tuesday, October 2, 2018

September Blog

The topic I decided to discuss is Identity.  This is something that stood out to me because I find it fascinating that each and every individual has many different identities.  We all have different perceptions of the world, which can influence our identities.  We may be afraid to be different than others or do something we love because we do not want to be judged.  Many people hide their identity in order to “fit in” and be “normal.”  I think of this concept as putting a mask on.  When you are alone or with close friends and able to be yourself, you do not hold yourself back.  However, when you are around acquaintances or strangers, you tend to put on this “mask” and hide your true identity.  It is upsetting that we cannot show our true selves without feeling insecure.  Every individual has different components of their lives that make up identity.  I am a sister, a student, a girlfriend, and a daughter.  These different identities are always in flux, which means changing.  All four of those identities are important to me, but some are always more important than the others, due to saliency.  For example, when I am in class or studying, my student identity is most important because I am passionate about it at that time.  However, when I am spending time with my boyfriend or my family, my other identities would be more salient.  This reminds me of the show “The Bachelor.”  Every contestant on the show is set on one thing and one thing only: finding love.  Although these women have many different identities, the only one that is present is their eagerness to find love.  The women rarely talk about their jobs, family, or other aspects of their lives.  Since they are on a show that is solely about finding a partner, they forget all other things and the identity of love becomes salient.  Since this identity is the most important at the time, it almost takes over all of their thoughts and feelings.  It is interesting to me that when we are under certain circumstances, some of our identities basically go away.  Identity is such a huge part of who we are, so it is crazy to think that they are forgotten about so often. 

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