Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blog #2

In this post, I just want to focus on the stereotypes given to Black women. First, a stereotype is an easy cop-out, easy conclusion, or predetermined notion about a certain group of people. Stereotypes in the US have always been a problem, and for the most part many stereotypes are very untrue. Now, in my opinion there is some truths in every stereotype, but that still doesn't mean they aren't hurtful or annoying. Now, there are three stereotypes that we discussed in class that are given to Black women; these stereotypes include: Mammy, Jezebel, and Sapphire. Mammy is suppose to represent the black women that is extremely unattractive, but does a good job of taking care of the white kids. Jezebel represents the Black women that is viewed as super attractive and she is also hypersexualized. Next, Sapphire represents the angry black woman that always has an attitude about something. I'm simply here to connect this particular topic to my mother and sister. My mother is 48 years old, and my sister is 26 years old, and neither one of them fit into the three stereotypes I mentioned above. Both of them are extremely educated with masters degrees, and they both have successful careers. They are extremely beautiful, but have respect for themselves, and they both care so much about other people. Also, I think it is important to note that my mother, with the help of my father, helped raise two children of her own, not any white kids that weren't her own. This just proves that although some stereotypes might be true, there are many stereotypes that aren't even accurate representations of a lot of individuals in this society. This concept of stereotypes is important because it is an issue that has been going on since the beginning of time, and a lot of the times stereotypes are negative, and they generally have a negative impact on individuals self-esteem. I think as a society we need to do a better job of eliminating stereotypes, and stop jumping to conclusions on different groups of people. Lastly, I'm a Black male, and life is hard out here for Black males, but in my opinion, Black females have things way worst. They are a double minority, which means they fit into two different minority groups. But, I simply want to applaud Black women, like my mother and sister, because despite all the stereotypes, and negative backlash they get they still find a way to take care of their kids, be beautiful and attractive, and still have successful careers out here in society. They continue to beat the odds, and that's what it's all about.

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