Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blog Post #2

For the blog this week what I want to focus on how women should all be equal as well as men. The readings this week helped me get a clearer picture of this. The readings were Master's Tool and The Use of Anger by Lorde. These readings focus on women. White, black, and lesbian women. Both of the readings opened my eyes to how women are viewed in everyday life. Lorde pinpointed on black and lesbian women.
In the first reading, Master's Tool, the biggest issue was Lorde who is a black lesbian feminist was giving her input at a New York University for the Humanities." (Lorde). What this says about the vision of this  conference is sad, in a country where racism, sexism, and homophobia are inseparable." This stood out to me because women are almost taught and use to being ignored or not having a say in much. It is like it is a task for white women to educate black women and black women educate the white women.  When all women should be equal and even a bigger issue is that everyone should be equal, but our country doesn't represent that.
The second reading by Lorde, The Uses of Anger, talked about how women respond to racism and how women are "angry" when they talk about racism. What I got out of the reading is women already feel inferior to men and when you bring racism into it women feel even more inferior than they already do. "Women responding to racism is women responding to anger." (Lorde.) Women shouldn't feel like they are less than they are and lecture did a good way of how women have made improvements over the years.
Between the years of 1840-1920 women had the goal of getting the right to vote and they got it in 1920. Women and men who followed this and accepted this went through hell and back but got it. In 1960 women wanted to bring attention to sexual violence. in 1988 individuals anyone who believed all genders/sexes should be equal could be feminist. Now we are able to spread messages so much faster to make our voice to be heard. Everyone should feel equal and this week drilled it into my mind and really made me sit back and realize how people should be treated everyday. Whether you are black, white, male, female, transgender, gay everyone has rights and everyone should be equal.

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