Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blog Post 2

In this class we have talked about many different subjects but one that stood out to me was the idea of performativity where who the person we are is what we present to the world. This idea is that the presentation of ourselves is due to repeating patterned human actions where what you do is what makes up your performance. This idea expanded to “performativity”, which is when these repeated actions lead to a series of effects. An example that was used in class was that certain ideas surrounding masculinity can influence how men and boys are influenced by what is deemed right or wrong. For example, boys that want to wear dresses or makeup are beaten or negatively impacted in other ways by people in their lives that hold specific ideas and these men change their behaviors to fit that idea of the “ideal” man.
While reviewing the powerpoint, I came across a video we weren’t able to watch in class, the Huffington Post’s “Why Feminism Is Good For Men”. This video showcases different ways modern feminism has changed the lives of men and the breakdown of what a man “should” do. While showing men participating in different stereotypically feminine acts, such as knitting or watching the bachelor, they talk about important aspects of feminism that helps men whether in the workplace or at home. Their article published with this video states “...studies show that gender equality is good for the economy, your sex life, and your general happiness.”(Samakow, 2016) which goes to show that by tearing down this idea of masculinity can benefit everyone, even the men. Another article I read states, “Feminism seeks to get rid of those archaic notions of what it means to be a “real man” or a “real woman.”(Fradet, 2017) These acts of performance that show what the “ideal” woman or man are trying to be torn down by modern feminism. Performance shows who you are to the world but with these ideas, people are trying to make people more accepting of different aspects of others that were previously seen as “wrong” or other.

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