Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Perspective Blog #2

The word perspective is used immensely in today's society.  As a part of the millennial generation, I understand what its like to have a perspective and to be a perspective.  We use it everyday, maybe not the word, but you perceive your opinion or view on someone.  We perceive ourself identities as something their not and we classify ourselves in other groups or identities for comfort.  The sentence I chose to respond to was a quote from James Baldwin.  James stated, "No one knows precisely how identities are forged, but it is safe to say that identities are not invented: an identity would seem to be arrived at by the way in which the person faces and uses his experience.  It is a long, drawn-out and somewhat bewildering and awkward process." (109)
        In today's society we are all searching for identity.  Perspective is important because we use this to deceifer who we are as people.  For example, let's say I'm searching for my identity in college.  I wouldn't want to identify with a group of people I don't approve of or value their customs.  I perceive them as immature or rude.  In reality, their truth is their truth and they believe what they believe just as I do.  We walk through this world contantly searching for something or someone to hold on to as a identity for ourself.  I would say that college is really where most people find their values and beliefs.  We all perceive the world around us diiferently, and because of this, we have constantly clashing opinions in society.
        Perspective is everything.  Your perspective on a group of people will effect your interactions with them.  For example, Jerry has a perspective of a certain religion he abhors.  If that religion has something of value to offer him, Jerry may never see or hear what they have to say.  This will hold him back in life if he is missing that piece to the puzzle of life.  If we can all have a different perspective on people, no matter what race, religion or gender they are, maybe we can learn from one another and gain all life has to offer us.

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