Monday, February 5, 2018

Mya Swint Blog #1

"This is a constitutive understanding of communication: We not only create meanings together through our communication, but we make our relationships through our communication, through this collaborative meaning-making. Together, in groups of friends, peers, family, citizens, and so forth, we build a social reality."  
    I chose the quote "This is a constitutive understanding of communication: We not only create meanings together through our communication, but we make our relationships through our communication, through this collaborative meaning-making. Together, in groups of friends, peers, family, citizens, and so forth, we build a social reality" On page 29 of our communications book because it seemed interesting to think about. Most people don't think about communication in a deeper meaningful way. For most, communication is something we've been doing since birth and is something that happens instinctively.By communicating we create meanings for things whether it be vocal or gestures. A simple heavy sigh can show irritation, or a grin can show the feeling of being pleased. vocally we are able to effectively explain with words exactly what we mean. I thought this was interesting because it's almost as if we are dissecting communication. Like that weird science class you were forced to take and dissect a frog, or owl pellet, but this time it's something more useful and of higher interest. At least for me anyway.  
   I think this is why I have so much interest in communication and why I have chosen it to be my major. I believe it is a topic that will never stop growing, changing, and adapting. This quote I chose helps to show how important communication is at making the world go round, and build a system. I love our communications class because we get to really hone in on that and understand how exactly communication creates those systems. As the textbook says "We don't make communication but rather communication makes us" (29) I am really excited to learn more about communications during this semester and begin to dissect communication and how it works more in depth, like this chapter explains. 

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