Monday, February 5, 2018

Blog Post #1

"...rather than thinking of listening as either active or passive, it is important to remember that there are multiple appropriate modes of listening depending on our contextual positions as listeners."
This quote was pulled from Chapter 4 of Compassionate Critical Listening. I enjoy it because it is something that I have always thought to myself. It is nice to read something that gives me some concrete evidence that I wasn't exactly crazy. These modes of listening can help us understand the world around us, as some people are good at one thing, someone might be an expert in another. If we can listen to all these people around us and be susceptible to their ideas, we together as individuals can become stronger with communication. From the way we live to the way practices we hold, if we ask questions about other culturals and their expectations we can communicate with them better. As the way we might communicate in our cultural norms might vary from those of another culture. It's good to be open minded to communication, and stay positive when dealing with different situations.

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