Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February blog 2

Blog February 27 2018
The sentence that I picked for this blog is Symbolic interactionism, Devised by George Herbert Mead and so named by Herbert Blumer, theorizes that the self is a product of the messages it has encountered in past interactions (Pg,104-105). This was from our book, Communication a critical/ Cultural Introduction by John T. Warren & Deanna L. Fassett.
 I thought this was a very interesting concept because it is something that happens and I never realized. In class, Christina showed us images and we knew the meanings of what was happening because we have been taught to understand with out being told my voice. As we were in class, a picture popped up of Aaron Rodgers doing the lambeau leap and as a BIG Packers fan I instantly knew what this was, and it was just a picture. This is when it occurred to me that I know stuff that others may not because of what goes on in my life, a person who knew nothing about the Packers would not know that this picture shows one of the very best traditions after a player as scores a touched down. 
When I went home I really thought about things and how this has always been around, and I just never noticed. When we are young we are taught to look for the signs on the bathroom and the one with a dress meant that it was for girls and the other was for boys. We just know to be quiet in libraries because at some point a librarian has told us to “ Shhhh”, which means to be quiet. This sort of stuff has always been around, and I never really knew.
This great article talks about the different types of social cues that we have and how we have adapted to them. IT also mentions how if someone doesn’t understand certain social cues that it can be confusing for the person and how they can misunderstand the situations they may be in. I think its important to talk about this because just as I said before, its going on all around us and its happening. I think understanding why we do certain things can help us better understand our world and why we are the way we are. The messages we have learned from a young age are stuff that we most likely will pass down to our families and friends alike.

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