Tuesday, February 27, 2018

January Blog #1 COMM160

Communication in culture is crucial for mankind to have peace.  Understanding is second to that and also a key aspect of communication.  Understanding can be interrupted by variences in cultures.  This can be beliefs, values or traditions.  The sentence I chose was a quote from Elie Wiesel.  He states, "There is a difference between a book of two hundred pages from the very beginning, and a book of two hundred pages which is the result of an original eight hundred pages.  The six hundred are there.  Only you don't see them."  (20)
        As a communication major myself, it is important to be able to see all there is to see in communication.  What I mean by that is we need to see all the aspects of communications from one culture to another in order to properly communicate between them.  The word communication is a large and vast definition that defines almost all of life.  We will continue to have problems amongst people that fail to communicate across cultural context until the problem is resolved.  For example, language was one of the largest barriers for many years between people.  In today's world it still is a problem but we do have technology and translators.  Aside from language, we also experience difficulties with communication between peoples opinions of other cultures.  An example of this is people of Islam trying to communicate with someone of Jewish descent.  Their opinions of each other are interrupted because of their different views and values.  This is also an example of differences between customs, values, and traditions. 
        People in today's world must use all aspects of communication to properly communicate between one other.  Cultures have so many variences that it makes it difficult to communicate and this causes anger and judgement between cultures.  A way to avoid this problem is to be open to different ideas and opinions.  Don't jump so quick to judgement and be ready to listen when life presents the opportunity. 

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