Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blog Post #2 Akilian Butler

    Akilian Butler

Hicks painted a broad picture of being a female soldier in the army is vivid. She explained what other weight she has on her shoulders than the typical male soldier. Most of the incidents that happen to her are harmful and disrespectful. She described it as an outsider to a regular scenery. Meaning she was uncomfortable and felt as if everything she has did was wrong and shamed because of her gender. Hicks reveal the hurtful comments of men with power made towards women.
    The colonel noticed her reaction to the Arnold Schwarzenegger situation. He told her , “Don’t you ever glare at me like that again, do you understand?” I can see the thin ice she’s on and why she has a higher stander she is holding herself to. She knows that being a female soldier is very tough on purpose. She wants to prove them wrong and show that they can’t break her. Any other male soldier isn’t treated with more restricted than a regular soldier.
    The reason for the feeling of Hick is cause of her experiences. In the story of her being a soldier. Most of the material she shares showed the built up energy towards the women deciding to be soldiers. I feel as if it was a pride issue, meaning they did not think a woman could do what a man does and serve as a soldier. Her pride and drive is what got her to that and made them eat the words and disrespectful comments they threw out when she was rewarded and being called “cunt”. The struggle was precious simply because of the outcome and getting to tell her story.

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