Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February Blog Post

A chapter that stood out to me when it comes to communication would have to be Chapter 6, Identity and Perception. Who you are as a person and who people perceive you as will ultimately decide how they communicate with you.  A quote that stands out to me in the chapter is by Chuck Palahniuk. The quote says, “Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I’ve ever known.”  (Pg.100). The quote is basically saying that you are who you are because of other people, how people have treated you and what they have done to you has made you into the person you are today.  I can agree with the quote because I tend to move differently when people act a certain way around me.  That is why your perception of others and others perception of you is so important.  People perceive me as a hard working and self motivated individual. They perceive me that way because of  how I act around them and because of my actions.

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