Thursday, February 1, 2018

Blog Post Lacey Grattan

       The most important sentence I chose to write about for this blog is in Between the speech and silence reading we read at the beginning of the semester. Russo states in his passage, “you will also have to come to terms with sense of alienation, of not belonging, of having your world thoroughly disrupted..”. I know this sounds deep, but I chose this because it was kind of like a “truth hurts” type of eye opening to me.
      In college, we all learn how hard it is to keep up with school, work, and making new friends let alone keeping them or feeling like you are secured with them. Boise State is such a big campus, and stepping onto it without knowing anyone can be very challenging. But I also think this quote stood out to me because, that’s life.
      Learning how to live your own life day by day is rewarding but challenging. Stepping out into the adult world you don’t really have a rulebook expect to get your own life started. Moving to Boise that is exactly what I did, I started my life and I am figuring it out day by day. In this quote he states coming to terms with self alienation, and not belonging really stands out because it some terms I have felt like this in Boise being here alone and not knowing a ton of people but coming to terms with it, I am comfortable being alone and I think that is a big part of growing up.
    Everyone thinks being alone is such a terrible thing, and you should never be comfortable with it. But moving here and starting my own life with a clean slate and knowing no one, made me comfortable to be around me and made me figure out who I am as an individual, which has made me be able to make friends that I wouldn’t have trade to make in my hometown. It has brought me to terms with knowing what I want and what is good for me.
    The second part of the sentence when he mentions having your world thoroughly disrupted hit home for me also. I have always been the person who has never had a “sad story” and always worked for what I wanted. Going through a loss in my family has definitely disrupted my world, and especially now having to be back in Boise while everyone is home in California. I wasn’t prepared for this, nor was I taught how to handle it, but what life has taught me is to keep going forwards and everything happens for a reason. I am going to be stronger because of this tragedy and how I handle it now is how it will shape me as a individual later in life, and I think It is very important for everyone to understand that focusing on yourself and being alone is one of the most important things in self growth.

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