Thursday, February 1, 2018

January Blog By Marcus Dickinson

"I do not merely hear with my ears, I hear with my whole body. My ears are at best the focal organs of hearing".

   While reading chapter 3 of communication, this quote by Don Ihdle really stuck out to me. I play basketball here at Boise State, and I could really relate this to my basketball life. Our coaches really get on to us about the difference between hearing, and the difference between listening. It's easy to hear when we are in practice or when we are in the weight room, but just because your hearing someone talk doesn't mean you've sunk in the information, you're just receiving sounds from the ear.

  When you're listening you're observing others behavior that can add meaning to the message. The people that listen are usually the people that will be more successful in life then the people just hear, and don't take in the information needed. It takes effort to listen, it takes take any effort to hear.

One life quote I really love about hearing and listening is, "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply" This is one of my favorite quotes because it is so true, and I relate to it a lot because I'm a victim of it. So many times when people of trying to give me advice with basketball, or just life in general, I'm not really listening because I think I know everything and I want to give my side of the story and not sink in other peoples advice.

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