Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February Blog Post

I decided to write about Manda Hicks on her experience being a soldier. Her story was interesting to me because its her personal experience of being a solider. Its about her experiences being a female enlisting in the military. The struggles that she went to in order to prove to people that she can do whatever she wants. I am a firm believer that if you work hard and stick to your goal it will get you places. I always wanted to join the military but I wanted to make sure that a graduate with my Bachelors first. 

"Being a female soldier is reveling in a different world where merit matters and you can become a leader. Being a female soldier is a lot like being a soldier, most of the time, but sometimes, it isn’t. Being a female soldier is being called a cunt in basic training and a dumb slut after you are promoted to non commissioned officer. Being a female soldier is listening to the Colonel that works in the same room chortle about sexual harassment allegations involving Arnold Schwarzenegger, crowing “That ugly bitch is lucky he touched her!” Being a female soldier is having the same Colonel notice your reaction, and say “Don’t you ever glare at me like that again, do you understand?” Being a female soldier is having to tell that Colonel “Yes sir.” Being a female soldier is learning that there is nothing you can’t do, only things you don’t want to do, and things that people won’t let you do. Being a female soldier is being in charge of men. Being a female soldier is having people of color in charge of you. Being a female soldier is performing a type of drag. And liking it. Being a female soldier is competing and winning. Being a female soldier is handing flowers to the incoming commander’s spouse—regardless of the gender of either of you. Being a female soldier is the same as being a male soldier"( Hicks, 463).

This quote about Manda Hicks stuck to me because its her personal experience being a soldier. She was treated just like everyone else. She didn't get special treatment because she was a woman. Manda Hicks went through a lot just to get where shes at today. I like how she stated that being a female soldier is reveling in a different world where you can become a leader. Becoming a solider is a hard role to have because you are serving your country. A lot of people look up to you and you never want to let anyone of them down. Reading Manda Hicks story made me realize that she is a fighter and will fight for what she believes in. 

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