Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February Post

Isiah Moore
Blog #2
Harris-Perry – “Sister Citizen”
            A quote from the Crooked Room that I would that really stuck out to me was, “They act like they don’t know that black women are the backbone of the family. We keep things together. The man may be the head of the household, but we are the backbone and the backbone has got to be strong.” (Harris-Perry)
            When I read this reading by Harris-Perry this quote of the book really stuck out to me because I felt connected with what the author was saying. My mother is African American and she is a single mother. Growing up she was the man of the house and the backbone, to this day she is still the sole provider within my family. Within the reading of the “Crooked Room,” some names or myths about black women are “gold diggers, “overly demanding,” and “argumentative,” which I disagree with every statement. When I see these sayings about black women I think of my mother, the only word that comes into my head is independent, hardworking and self-driving. Black women in families are the strongest and leaders and helps their children down the correct path. Any mother at that, women are the backbone of the families, doing so much that goes unnoticed.

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