Thursday, February 1, 2018

January Blog Post

 For this months post I decided to chose the following sentence from,  The Compassionate Listener chapter,  "Sometimes we hear somebody talking but we either aren't thinking deeply about what she or he is saying or aren't paying attention at all." This sentence stood out to me because often we don't realize that we are fake listening or we think we are listening but really just waiting to add our own voice into the conversation. We don't listen just to listen, just to fully connect with someone else by truly hearing what they are saying. This course is all about communication through culture and I think if people and those in power used compassionate listening and critical listening more often there might be much less anger in this world. If people would just choose to listen.

For example imagine if democrats and republics in our government would just take the time to listen to each side to truly try to understand the other, there might be commonalities they never noticed before because they were not listening just hearing and responding for personal gain. To be fully present when listening to someone is a gift your giving them. Allowing them a piece of your time to truly listen and understand. Like it says in the reading, a sub section about Public Advocacy: Listening to Learn, that  once must be, "open and receptive to different beliefs, values and perspectives." It is in the worlds best interest that we learn to be better listeners.

Kendall Mericle.

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