Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Feb Blog Post

February Blog Post-
Quoted from week 8 Rhetoric as Symbolic Action.

"What people communicate, and how they communicate it, has real effects on others and their perceptions." This sentence accurately describes what most people think is a fundamental concept but really not everyone thinks twice about what/ how they say something effects others. Like the other info in that chapter it talks about how there are many cases in which children go home crying because of the words of others, and potentially many commit suicide because of it. But on the flip side it does talk about the great impact that words can have on the world. Like the words of Martin Luther King, or Abe Lincoln, their revolutionary voices helped shape the world into a better place, and their ideas changed the perceptions of others.
 Symbols are another way to portray a perception and to communicate their ideas, like in a sign during a march. For example the Women's March often has many signs and posters representing their cause for women's rights. They hold up signs to show others there views, and some that see it can understand their position and have their opinions change. said that over 750,000 LA community members joined together to march for their cause. This got so much media coverage that thousands of people around the world saw it and that communication through visuals created an impact on peoples views. Communication has the ability to start great change or to destroy peoples lives. It is how we use it and what we use it for.

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