Thursday, March 30, 2017

Bullies are Bad! (Blog #3)

Throughout this month, we have covered a variety of subjects within this class, but what stood out to me in particular, was the reading by Keith Berry and Tony E. Adams titled Family Bullies. Having bullies within society itself is bad enough, it can ruin a kid’s experience in school growing up, or can even affect an adult in his or hers work place. In some cases, the only way the victim sees a chance to get away from these bullies is by committing suicide. A countless number of people have given their life to escape the pain in which bullies have caused them. Believe or not bullies can also be family members. According to Berry and Adams (2016), “Folk wisdom often suggests that families are sacred to persons’ lives” (p.52). This is something that is not fun for one to experience throughout their lifetime. Imagine dreading going home every day because your brother is going beat you up or verbally abuse you. That’s not comfortable lifestyle to have, your home or family is supposed to be your place comfort and moral support. This can lead to variety of health issues including deep depression, anger and a major lack of self-confidence (Beery & Adams, 2016, p.53).
            The old expression which says something of this sort,” The experiences you have growing up, have a major impact on shaping who you are later in life.” I think this rings very true, and can especially be noticed with life impacting experiences, such as bullies. According to Berry and Adam (2016), most the time people never confront the bully issue itself, they never speak up and fight for themselves, they often just try avoiding the bully (p.57). This leads to a major problem, that ends up never being solved. If a major issue like this was happening to me, I would see changes in myself as person. I think I would feel much more angry and bitter all the time and would have a huge lack of trust within others. I think my whole outlook on life would become more negative and my chance to see the positive within my life would be held to a minimum.            

            If your never got bullied growing up, consider yourself lucky. It will most likely happen to a person’s life in one way or another, whether you want it to or not. It’s a part of life. In my opinion it takes a strong, powerful human being to stand up against a bully, whether its speaking up, getting help or whatever it is. In the end it will be a life changing event and you for the first time in a while will fill empowered.

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